Monday, April 30, 2012

My Oh My, How Time Does Fly!

 I can hardly believe that I have not posted since we returned from Disney. We have not been M.I.A. for any reason other than hectic schedules, sports, church and school activities. I cannot possibly catch up by posting pictures from every exciting event since January. I thought I would just highlight what has been going on recently. Posting on this blog is something I enjoy. I will not let this much time lapse again.

Easter Morning Picture! 

Colin continues to love 2nd grade and his wonderful teacher, Mrs. Whitford. I'm not sure that we want this school year to end. She ignites a spark in each child in this class that gives them a zest for learning something new each day. I cannot believe he will be 8 and a rising 3rd grader in just a matter of months. 
Evan wakes up each day asking to go to preschool. His preschool teacher Mrs. Betsy gives him so much love and attention yet taught him so much. He would go to preschool 5 days a week if that were possible. I wish I could bottle up that desire for school forever. He tries so very hard to keep up with his brother no matter what it takes. 

A first for us...Strawberry Picking! The boys both filled up a bucket of strawberries. In fact, Evan might have eaten more strawberries that day than were in his bucket. By the time we left, he was covered in strawberry juice. 

 Spring Break was spent at the beach with great friends. Unfortunately, the weather was too cold to enjoy the Ocean/Sand. We made up for it with plenty of other activities. 
A visit to Southport/Ft. Fisher Aquarium 

If you look will see Colin's first fish that he caught!!!!! 

 Panther Kickball for Charity! 
 Jordan Gross holds this event each year to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis in honor of his niece. Corporate teams are sponsored to play in a kickball tournament. The last team standing plays the Carolina Panthers. Andy's unit (VCAT) played in the tournament this year but unfortunately did not advance to the end to play the Panthers. Over $100,000 was raised for the CF foundation during this event alone. 
 Colin, Evan and myself enjoyed the perks of Andy playing in this tournament. We were able to participate in the VIP autograph session with the Panther players. Colin was able to get up close and personal with Cam Newton, Steve Smith, Jon Beason, Jordan Gross, DeAngelo Williams, Thomas Davis and more...

Colin was on "cloud 9" to take this picture with Steve Smith and have him sign his Rookie Football card!!!
You can see Colin holding it in his hand!  Lots of memories made that day in the eyes of a sports-loving 7 year old. Evan...well...he was just along for the ride. He was more interested in Sir Purr! 

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Most Magical Place on Earth!

"To all that come to this happy place: Welcome...Here age relives fond memories of the past, and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future...with hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world."
~Walt Disney

The above says it all. Walt Disney was quoted with that summary of his magical theme park in 1955 as Disneyland opened to the public. However, it remains true to all of his inspired parks around the world.

I can honestly say, it is the most magical place on Earth...even more than I remembered as a child. I think it was because Andy and I saw everything through the eyes of our children. Their imaginations ran wild ...all they have seen in movies and television that is "Disney" related became REAL right before them.

Colin, being 7 and Evan, 3 was the perfect age to "take it all in." Colin was able to enjoy the characters, not thinking he was "too old" for them but also experienced some of the more thrilling aspects of the parks that Evan could not. Evan...well I cannot say enough. The pictures speak for themselves. He loved the characters. His facial expressions were priceless. I could almost cry! I know the time will come when he will not care one bit about Snow White, Beauty, Jasmine and Tinkerbell but for now...I think he was "in love!"

Here are just some of my favorite highlights from our trip. I am already planning when we can go back!

Can you tell Evan is excited to meet Mickey and Goofy?

The Tree of Life at Animal Kingdom.

Jasmine (from the movie Aladdin) gives Evan a hug. Just look at his little face!!!!

AND she plants a big 'ole kiss on his cheek!

This one, by far, is one of my favorite pictures. Evan loves Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. He was the only little boy standing in line to meet Snow White! He was so excited to see her in person! Just look at how he blushed when she bent down to talk to him!

Epcot - IllumiNations of the Earth


Breakfast with Minnie, Donald and Goofy!

When I made these breakfast reservations months ago, I indicated that Colin had a gluten allergy. I was assured that there would be plenty of choices for Colin to eat. The chef personally visited our table and told Colin he would specially prepare Mickey Mouse Waffles that were Gluten Free!!! As a mom...that made my day to see that Colin could enjoy something he rarely eats anymore that most kids have all the time. Yes...DisneyWorld is not a cheap place to visit but they truly do care about the families that come from all over!

Cinderella's Castle! Even more beautiful up close and in person!

Ready to ride Pirates of the Caribbean!

Ok so I guess I am too sentimental. We saved the fireworks at Magic Kingdom for the last night of our trip. Listening to the music, Jiminy Cricket narrate between the fireworks and of course Tinkerbell flying out of the castle just sent me into a flood of tears. I didn't want to leave. It truly is a magical place that is beyond words. Our family made memories that will last forever!

The boys are officially done! After 5 straight days, visiting 5 parks (Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, Seaworld, Epcot and Magic Kingdom)going non-stop... arriving when the parks opened and not leaving until they closed...I think they are all out of steam!


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Blessings of Autumn

May the nations praise you, O God.Yes, may all the nations praise you.Then the earth will yield its harvests, and God, our God, will richly bless us.Yes, God will bless us,and people all over the world will fear him. Psalm 67:5-7

Fall is a time for change. We put our summer clothes away and bring out the sweaters. We buy the firewood and gather together to prepare to "hibernate" for the winter. This year fall began on September 23. Seems like just yesterday we were beginning the summer months. Fall is undoubtedly my favorite season. Our family "happenings" remind me of our acceptance of change. We are always coming and going...beginning something new and exciting. One thing is for certain, our daily lives may encompass change but God's love for us is constant. We may not stay the same but He remains the same. God is who He says He is! What a comfort to know that in the midst of everything we do, He will richly bless His children beyond measure!

Here are our "blessings of autumn"

Evan begins another year of preschool

The Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade classes at Colin's school rode the Amtrak to High Point, NC

They enjoyed quite a bit of history at the High Point Museum, including what is behind the name. High Point was incorporated in 1859 and was named after the "highest point" on the North Carolina Railroad between Goldsboro and Charlotte.

How tall are we this year?

Visiting the Riverbend Pumpkin farm with The Walker Family

Finding just the right one to carve is not an easy task!

Who is taller...Colin or Alex?

Now on to bigger things...Carving the pumpkin...Don't forget to save the seeds for roasting

Check out the finished product


My little Monkey and a "not so scary" ghoul. He is just too cute sometimes to be scary!

Check out his banana

Colin and his friend Alex Funderburk...still not scary enough are they???


On his actual birthday, we celebrated with this special halloween cake made by a special friend. It was a little friendly ghost graveyard. A Sweet Treat! Thank you Amber!

We celebrated again with family.

Why 3 cakes you may ask? These 3 mini cakes are because he loves these cartoon characters


to celebrate the anticipation of our upcoming trip to

D I S N E Y W O R L D!!!!!!

We are excited beyond words. I am not sure who is more excited, the kids or Andy and I. We are just days away from the "Happiest Place on Earth!"

So stay tuned. My next blog will highlight our trip. We cannot wait to make precious memories with our boys!